



Father of new born triplets cries for help at Sefwi Abrabra


 Father of new born triplets delivered at Saint John of God Hospital in the Sefwi Wiawso Municipality of the Western North degion, has appealed for financial assistance.

Mr Adzimah Atsu Sylvestus, father of the triplets, disclosed this to Liberty Fm in its community report to Teacher Owuo at Sefwi Abrabra in an interview. 

His wife, Helena Owusu, was delivered of the triplets, two females and one male on 21st January, 2021  with natural method without going through caesarean section (cs).

The mother and the children are in good health condition.

According to the husband, Mr. Adzimah, he needed financial assistance from government, philanthropist, individuals and others to assist them to take care of these new born babies.

''I am appealing to government, civil society groups and individuals to come to our aide in order to take proper care of them - we are in financial difficulty and that any help will be appreciated'' he said.

Mr.Adzimah, is a teacher at Sefwi Abrabra who walks a distance away from a cottage to his school while the wife is a peasant farmer.

Mr Adzimah says ''the monthly salary can't cater for the entire family particularly my triplets children and that my family needed support either by cash or kind for our livelihood''.

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